ZoningSupply.com - Zone Control

HVAC Zone Controls & Zoning Dampers

zoning bypass

NO BYPASS NEEDED... an inexpensive alternative to some of the over-hyped products on the market.

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Over the last couple of years, many new products have been introduced to the Zone Control market that purport to reduce or eliminate the need for a bypass or dump zone pressure relief setup that has been common since the 1980s.

“Bypass Eliminator” or “Static Pressure Equalizer” … whatever you call it, the concept is basically the same no matter which company or product you are talking about. The concept IS, to leak air into NON-calling zones in order to relieve static pressure in the supply duct instead of using a bypass or a dump zone.

This idea is appealing to many who have not wanted or been able to add a bypass/dump zone but still need some pressure relief in the air system.

ECOJAY has a new solution on the market “SmartStatic”, Much like the competitors, SmartStatic is a device that automatically (based on a static pressure sensor) leaks air in the NON-calling zones to relieve air pressure when needed. The SmartStatic can be used with new installs or with any existing system that uses standard 3-wire (power open / power close) zone dampers.

ALSO, the SmartStatic can be used WITH or WITHOUT a bypass/dump damper for the ultimate flexibility and capability to control static air pressure.
iO Controls, ZoneFirst & others have similar solutions that require specialized and expensive accessories and can’t be used in conjunction with any other pressure relief methods.

SmartStatic can control up to 4 zones on each board but can be chained together to control as many zones as needed with a single static pressure sensor. This is much preferable to some of the alternative methods that use multiple sensors and adjustments that can conflict with each other.

More unbiased Zone control discusson on homeenergy

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Adam Zielinski

Homeowners with forced air duct systems always want to close the registers in rooms they aren't using, and close the doors to those rooms, in the belief that doing so will save energy and money.
I always thought doing this was over-rated and unlikely to save a significant amount of energy or money.  I could see doing it for one or two rooms perhaps, but sometimes homeowners close off half of their house or more.
This creates unbalanced air flow in the duct system and likely results in over heating the furnace heat exchanger, and or short cycling the furnace.  So the furnace spends a lot of time in start up mode and less time at peak efficiency.
I have not seen any real studies done on this however.  I'd like to see some data or research on this.

Reply by dale conner
Adam, most furnaces will move the proper amount of air through the blower and heat exchanger if the furnace cabinet pressure doesnt exceed .5 IWC and the furnace capacity was chosen based on a manual J calculation. This information can be found in the furnace installation manual or IOM (installation,operation,maintenance) that comes with a new furnace. However, this does not mean we are getting adequate air delivery to all of the rooms in the house due to excessive air leakage in the ducts and/or incorrect duct lengths or diameters routed to each room.

QUESTION by Judi Lyall

How about using a motorized damper ?

Reply by dale conner
A single motorized damper can be used to control a zoned area but you also have to install a barometric by-pass damper to prevent over pressurization


See full discussion: http://homeenergypros.lbl.gov/group/hvac/forum/topic/show?id=6069565%3ATopic%3A7207

SmartZone Static Pressure Control for Modulating Bypass

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Why SmartZone Static Pressure Control so much better?  It's pre-wired, saving lots of time and hassle.

Much better than the competition... more accurate and the easiest by far to install.  The video below shows that a typical static pressure control takes more than 4X as long to install when compared to the same ECOJAY SmartZone Static Pressure Control (ASPC)

Air Pressure Switch (Bypass Control)